Coffee Break: Examining the Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions

Join the SAA on March 12, 2025, for our next Coffee Break. These 15-miute sessions provide high-level overviews of some of the industry's hottest topics. Industry experts from Plante Moran will examine the implications of consolidations and mergers in the automotive industry. Amid the ongoing discussions between Honda and Nissan, Plante Moran will offer a…

Real World Application of Technologies Unlocking Safe Autonomy at Scale

American Center for Mobility 2701 Airport Drive, Ypsilanti Twp., MI, United States

Held in conjunction with: The commercial deployment of autonomous systems has been slower and more challenging than anticipated, even in select cities with weather conditions favorable for autonomous driving. Many robotaxi programs have been scaled back, delayed, or canceled, while L2+ passenger vehicles remain largely confined to high-end price points. Yet, industry leaders are successfully…